2013 - Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennale

Monday, September 16, 2013 - 12:39

Anna Fornari is presentby annafornari

2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennale

from 24th September to 12th October 2013 in Beijing

Museum of Contemporary Art, China Millennium Monument

by Beijing Design Week Organizing Committee and GAC National Jewelry Designer Committee

The exhibition will belong to the 2013 Beijing International Design Week

The main theme of the exhibition is Jewelry • Identity, which aims to show an exchange of different cultures. In addition, it also focus on pushing forward the development of diversified art works and providing platform and space for different art concepts and ideas

Invitation exhibition catalog ritratti artisti MUSEO certificate catalogo cavità-dimore anna fornari 2002-2013 cavità-dimore anna fornari 2002-2013